.. _DESCRIPTORS: Descriptors =========== Two-Body -------- List of all two-body descriptors supported by Ta-dah! D2_LJ ..... .. doxygenclass:: D2_LJ :members: D2_BP ..... .. doxygenclass:: D2_BP :members: D2_Blip ....... .. doxygenclass:: D2_Blip :members: D2_EAM ...... .. doxygenclass:: D2_EAM :members: D2_Dummy ........ .. doxygenclass:: D2_Dummy :members: D2_Base ....... .. doxygenclass:: D2_Base :members: Three-Body ---------- As is stands Ta-dah! does not support three-body type descriptors. They are simply slow to compute and there exist a number of angularly dependend many-body descriptors. However if there is enough interest in three-body descriptors they can be fairly easily added to the library. Just drop us an email... Many-Body ---------- List of all many-body type descriptors supported by Ta-dah! Note that some many-body type descriptors can calculate non-spherical charge distributionis hence they overcome Embedded Atom Method limitations. DM_EAD ...... .. doxygenclass:: DM_EAD :members: DM_EAM ...... .. doxygenclass:: DM_EAM :members: DM_Dummy ........ .. doxygenclass:: DM_Dummy :members: DM_Base ....... .. doxygenclass:: DM_Base :members: